be free

Be peace ☮ Be love ♥ Be free

Thursday, December 31, 2009


I like new year's resolutions a lot. I like them mostly because it makes you aware of things you want to change and the more you think positively, the more likely that change will happen. It's the law of attraction in a way, positive thinking brings positive results.

I don't think I made any resolutions last year. I've never made any that are unrealistic or ones I know I can't keep. I also don't think I've actually kept any throughout the whole year, mostly because I forget what they were halfway through the year.

I was thinking about what I'm going to resolve to do this year and everything I want to do...I am already doing. Here are a few things:

-eat organic as much as possible
-not use my credit cards and pay down my debt
-be happy, positive everyday
-drink less pop
-exercise more

I guess my bottom line is to be healthy. I already have the 10,000 steps a day resolution made for me, so I don't have to worry about the exercise part. [10,000 steps is not easy for me...I had to work really hard to get to 10,000 on Tuesday, and yesterday, I didn't work as hard and only had 5,000-I felt like crap when the thing reset itself at midnight and I was out of time-that won't happen again.]

So, my new years resolution is to keep up the good things and keep nudging out the bad. When I turned 25, that was my "life resolution" to be healthier, because well, I'm not getting any younger. I really just want to enjoy life and feel my best all the time. Which means eating healthier and walking more. Spending less money and going out less. I want to blog more because I enjoy writing and some people tell me I'm not that bad at it. It makes me feel sort of creative and when I'm in a creative environment all day at work [which I love] I need my own creative outlet when I get home.

Cheers to all good things in 2010. Why not resolve to be happy and healthy? Makes more sense then trying to stick to some awful resolution you'll hate. Peace.

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