be free

Be peace ☮ Be love ♥ Be free

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The silver lining in all his NSA spying and PRISM stuff, [if there is one]… is that with the conformation of what we suspected all along, maybe those of us "in the know" will now be more comfortable speaking up. They know we know.

It's was not an easy journey to uncover and accept all the lies and deceit we've been fed all these years. I started feeling comfortable sharing information with peers and colleagues more and more these past few years, but I won't lie and say it's been easy. I've lost a friend or two along the way and I'm often isolated in social situations. When I'd make light jokes like "they are reading this now" I was often laughed at and told that we don't live in China. Well...

I was also scared early on in my sharing process when I wrote this blog post about Monsanto. I was hosting my blog on Wordpress at the time, and not 30 minutes after making the post did a rep from Monstano leave a nasty comment telling me I'm wrong and telling lies. (sure, I may have had a fact or two wrong, but the conclusion was and is accurate). When I moved my blog back to Blogger, I lost all my comments from Wordpress. I recently went back to my now defunct Wordpress site to retrieve the comment only to find the entire post has been removed. For a moment, I was a bit scared again. Then I realized, if little ole me is a threat to Monsanto, that's a good sign ;)

Back to the NSA and PRISM scandal. Since the government now knows what we are reading, saying and basically thinking while online, taking action is now inevitable. It's time for us to speak up, take a stand and practice peaceful non-cooperation on whatever level possible. Not everyone can do everything… but every little thing helps.

Share something each day. Practice patience with those who may not understand. Inform as many people as you can, however you can.

I think it was something like 3-6% of the American people were on board when the first Revolution started… we don't need everyone to understand or even agree. We just need small amount of awake people to make a difference in their circle of friends, in their community, and their social networks.

Don't be scared. It's time for a rEVOLution.

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