be free

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The pope, pine cones and fluoride.

Cardinal Bergoglio was chosen as new pope today. Since the internet is buzzing with this news, I can't help but to bring up one of my all time favorite "conspiracy" theories. I use the term conspiracy loosely because I find more often than not, that conspiracies these days are just ways for those who are in control to make those who are awake seem crazy. Onward we go...

So, what does the pope, pine cones, and fluoride have in common? I'm going to break this down as simply as possible.

In mysticism the pineal gland, or the third eye, is believed to lead to higher levels of consciousness and enlightenment. (This is why those who practice Hinduism often wear a dot on their forehead.) The pineal gland is shaped similar to the pine cone, so the pine cone is often used as a symbol for the pineal gland. The pine cone of course comes from the evergreen tree, which represents fertility and eternal life (Christmas trees).

Biologically, the pineal gland regulates production of melatonin and serotonin which affects your sleep patterns and mood. It also produces dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a naturally occurring psychedelic compound, which is produced in large quantities at birth and death and during near death experiences. The pineal gland is situated between both hemispheres of the brain and does not operate in the left or right specifically, but rather on it's own. One way I like to think of it is as the combination of the left and right brain, or the combination of both analytical/logical (left) and intuitive/subjective (right) thinking.

Ok, so fluoride. Fluoride was added to our water supply in the 1950's and 1960's in effort to help prevent tooth decay. Today we are learning that fluoride is linked to brain damage among other issues and it calcifies the pineal gland. When fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, it clogs it and prevents it from working properly.

If the pineal gland is in fact linked to levels of higher consciousness and enlightenment, then perhaps this calcification prevents us from reaching those levels.

What does any of this have to do with the pope? Well, the biggest pine cone in the world is a statue at the Vatican in the Court of Pine Cones. The pope's staff has a pine cone on it, and the seal of the pope also has the pine cone symbolism. Pine cone symbolism is found all over the Vatican and in Catholicism.

Maybe it's just art, maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe the Vatican has some hidden knowledge they are suppressing. Perhaps the pine cone holds the same symbolism to the papacy to represent the enlightenment that comes from the third eye. The conspiracy centers around whether or not this information is intentionally kept from society and possibly used to control people through religion. Also, many think fluoride was added to water to "dumb" us down. Whether or not it was intentional or not doesn't really matter to me... fluoride is still in our water and is calcifying our pineal glands.

I think there are some valid and profound spiritual truths hidden in the sacred texts, however, the interpretation that is common in religious practices just doesn't resonate with me.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye be sound, your whole body shall be full of light. 

I'm barely grazing the surface on all of this, so if any of this interest you, please do your own research. There is also a chance that I have no idea what I'm talking about! I just find this kind of stuff fascinating. Make up your own mind.

Here are some resources to get you started: articles about Fluoride.

Video on how to de-calcify your pineal gland.


  1. You definitely know what you're talking about! This is amazing and I agree with every single part!! I believe fluoride most definitely effects your journey to enlightenment because of the calcification of the pineal gland. This is absolutely amazing...Keep this shit up!!

    Namaste :)

    1. John- thank you for reading! I really appreciate your feedback. This isn't the easiest stuff to write about, but I do plan to keep it up! Thanks for the encouragement. peace.

    2. Hi Sarah.

      It's nice to see people waking up. Look into a substance known as Harmala (Harmal Pegnaum), aka Syrrian Rue, Haoma.

      It is producing Harmaline/Pinoline/Telepatin which is opening your pineal and giving you amazing benefits in Dreaming a good reality.

      Keep your soul safe. The demon runs wild. Love and Light.


  2. Hinduism believe that if you are able to activate your pineal gland, you can easily achieve enlightenment, you can have control on your involuntary body functions like thoughts, breathing, heartbeats & pulse, sleep,overall metabolism, and most importantly you can slow aging & degeneration of brain cells.

    It is believed to be amazing & one can achieve true enlightenment with its activation.

    But very few people are able to activate it.

  3. the pine cone is symbolic of the blessed virgin mary. if you actually notice on the papal staff, the pine cone is directly below the crucifix of Jesus. this is a similar scene to that of calvary where Mary was at the foot of the cross. it was there that Jesus gave her to the disciple. this is considered symbolic of Jesus giving her as mother of all christians, that each christian is to accept her into the home as spiritual mother. this is further evidenced in revelation 12. also, the blessed virgin mary is considered the Queen of Heaven. Jesus was considered a Davidic king. Davidic kings had many wives so the Queen of the Kingdom was the Mother of the King (see Scott Hahn's book Hail Holy Queen).

    as you stated, pine cones are symbolic of fertility. other words are fruitfulness, fecundity. pine cones contain many small seeds. the pineal (which means pinecone) gland is also called the third all-seeing eye. Mary is considered the seat of wisdom, because of her "fiat" (yes) to the Angel Gabriel (angels being messengers from God). it is from this humility and obedience which is the seat of wisdom that allows Christ to be born into the world. wisdom if broken into parts means "dominion over vice." Jesus because he conquered sin (did not sin) is the ultimate wisdom, the ultimate "dominion over vice." and the blessed virgin mary is considered the seat of wisdom. and literally at one point, when Jesus was a baby, wisdom (Jesus) literally sat in the lap of Jesus. surprisingly, this relationship is analogized in the papal staff, where the crucified Jesus rests on the pinecone (representing the blessed virgin mary).

    yes, the best "secrets" are those that are hidden in plain sight. such is God for many people. God, who is omnipresent, is not recognized by many people (either by word or deed). He is not "hidden" strictly speaking, but in effect he can be

    so pinecones represent the Blessed Virgin Mary.

  4. Actually the pine cone is a fertility symbol. You don't have to watch the whole thing if you don't want to... but the first 30 to 40 min are very interesting and it addresses the reason there is not only a pine cone on the staff, but in the vatican as well..

  5. Gday Sarah! The earliest depiction of a pine cone is on the Sumerian Tablets,Stelas & stone wall carvings. You can see both eagle headed & human gods holding the cone next to the Tree of Life or with a basket- the "seed" of life.
    The Sumerians branched out to Egypt, & eventually India- where many Hindu statues depict gods/godessess holding pine cones.
    Greeks(Alexander & Ptolemy's) & then Romans, were very interested in Babylonian & Egyption cultures.(Obelisks in Rome).
    One has to wonder if this massive bronze statue was brought to Rome(near temple of Isis) & how these ancients could actually "cast" it.
    On another "conspiracy" - look at the origin of Gregory. It comes from Egregori, which comes from Igigi- the watchers/fallen angels. One of whom taught mankind the art of metallurgy.........(Enoch 1/2/3).
    If we know about "fallen angels", How come The Book of Enoch isnt Canonized?
    Yes , the Vatican is hiding a lot of truths..............
