be free

Be peace ☮ Be love ♥ Be free

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The times…they are a changin’….

Change. So many of us resist it with everything we’ve got.

While I’ve never understood why people are so afraid of change, I’m guilty of the fear myself. Since this has happened on more than one occasion, I decided to dig deeper.

I’ve learned that the kind of change I’m most uncomfortable with is the kind that I’m not confident about making. I’m also uncomfortable when I AM confident in my change and I can’t understand why people aren’t more supportive or anxious to get on board.

If my blog reflects anything, it’s that I’m not the same person I was a year ago and I hope I’m not the same person a year from now. I used to think that people who constantly change their beliefs, ideals, lifestyle and interests must be insecure, unreliable, fickle and not really know themselves.  Lately I’ve learned that those people are really open-minded, learners, idealists and more secure than a Swiss bank account!

Being able to change yourself with confidence is one of the most amazing qualities a person can have. It’s also good to remain open-minded and tweak your changes throughout life.

As I make a lifestyle change to be healthier, I find myself frustrated with those around me who aren’t immediately inspired by my recent motivation. I find myself feeling threatened by those who want me to fail. I feel dragged down by those who find comfort in their ways and don’t want to listen to me. I am saddened when people aren’t as interested in this change as I am.

I realize that while I’ve begun to lose my fear of failing at change I’ve taken on a lack of patience. I want to change myself now and I want everyone to change with me. Let’s be realistic, the world never has and never will work that way.  So, I’m determined to change my attitude about change. I’m working on not trying to change anyone, but to rather share my
--> experience and hope that someday, somewhere, I inspire someone.

Until then, I’ll follow the age-old advice: the best way to change this world is to change yourself. I believe this to be a true statement that applies to everything in life from eating and drinking habits to love and relationships. 

So, I’m on the changing journey. I’m changing myself. And I’m confident in my change.

And I’ll remember, that it’s never too late to be the person you’ve always wanted to be.

(can't get this song out of my head!)

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