I have not had a TV in my apartment since I moved in last August. I had several reasons for this…mainly, I do not have a TV worth paying cable for. I own a small 13 inch that makes a great second TV, but not a primary one. I’ve lived without TV for periods of time before, but never for more than a week or so.
I was a communications major. I took classes that required me to watch TV…a lot of it. I loved learning about that kind of stuff and especially loved the history of TV. Lets face it; TV today is not anywhere close to where it was 50 or 60 years ago (I’m talking I Love Lucy days, when TV was still good.)
Anyway, while I’d go through phases with the amount of TV watching I’d do, I never thought I would live 6 months without one. However, I am finding the benefits of not having TV far outweigh the benefits of having a TV. I’m not saying the typical “oh, I read more, or talk to friends more” type of benefits (those are great). I’m talking about I don’t get caught up in the constant advertising of stuff. While I watch a lot of shows online, and the advertising is picking up there, I don’t feel bombarded with things I don’t need. I don’t feel the cravings for fast food or junk food that I used to. I stopped drinking pop almost entirely and I realized it’s probably because I don’t see commercials for it so I rarely even think about it. (I will get pop at a restaurant occasionally, but I never buy it to have at home.)
I guess my whole point is that while the media is definitely influential, the lack of media can be just as powerful. The only time I really watch TV is at the gym and the last thing I want at the gym is a pop! I don’t miss TV. I’m not saying I will never get one, because it would be nice to have for when other people come over, but other than that, I’m good. I don’t need it, and I don’t need stuff I don’t need.
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