This week, I've been thinking a lot about our society and our obsession with instant gratification. A few things in my personal life and spiritual life have all come full circle in teaching me a lesson in patience.
I believe that there is a place in this universe where time and space are non-existent. My beliefs stem from spiritual and scientific findings. I think God is in a place where there is no time and no space. That's where heaven resides. The further you go from earth and gravity, the slower time ticks. Heaven also resides here.
It's so easy to get caught up in a world of fast food, microwaved dinners, Kim Kardashian weddings, shopping sprees, miracle diets and other instantly gratifying satisfactions. It's hard to get away from these tempting quick fixes.
In the last few years I've learned that taking the time to cook my food from scratch, only eating until I'm full, exercising and generally taking care of my body have given me freedom. There is no miracle diet. Living healthy takes self control and optimism...think "this can work". Only consistent efforts produce results. Results in freedom... that I won't feel guilty for eating crap tomorrow...because so far in my life, tomorrow has always showed up--may as well feel awesome. I've always wanted to fast and this week, I fasted for the first time. It was only for a day, but I now know that I am capable of much more.
Now, I am trying to apply these basic "food concepts" to a bigger part of my life. I want to slow-cook and "fast" my life. I want to not rush to fill a superficial need. I want to have patience and perseverance, the hope of a child, and eternal optimism.
You can't ignore reality, but you also can't stop dreaming. It's all about enjoying the journey, and then, the destination.
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