be free

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wake up, wake up.

I can’t say I’m surprised, but I am certainly disgusted by the mainstream media’s lack of Ron Paul coverage. [I really cannot figure out why people want the government to make decisions for them. Especially when those decisions are based on money and greed and not our welfare]...anyway...

A bit about Ron Paul… (from

Brief Overview of Congressman Paul’s Record:
  • He has never voted to raise taxes.
  • He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
  • He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
  • He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
  • He has never taken a government-paid junket.
  • He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
  • He voted against the Patriot Act.
  • He voted against regulating the Internet.
  • He voted against the Iraq war.
  • He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
  • He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
On Global Warming…
Government cannot invest, it can only redistribute resources. Just look at the mess government created with ethanol. Congress decided that we needed more biofuels, and the best choice was ethanol from corn. So we subsidized corn farmers at the expense of others, and investment in other types of renewables was crowded out.

Now it turns out that corn ethanol is inefficient, and it actually takes more energy to produce the fuel than you get when you burn it. The most efficient ethanol may come from hemp, but hemp production is illegal and there has been little progress on hemp ethanol.
On the War on Drugs…
“[...] the federal war on drugs has proven costly and ineffective, while creating terrible violent crime. But if you question policy, you are accused of being pro-drug. That is preposterous. As a physician, father, and grandfather, I abhor drugs. I just know that there is a better way — through local laws, communities, churches, and families — to combat the very serious problem of drug abuse than a massive federal-government bureaucracy.”
And my favorite… on healthcare…
Additionally, due to the government-enforced monopolies of HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) and pharmaceutical companies, many patients will never even hear about some of the most effective and non-invasive treatment methods. These natural and inexpensive ways of regaining one’s health are being suppressed by the FDA and the medical establishment not because of safety concerns (they’ve been around for hundreds of years), but because they cannot be patented and would therefore cut into the pharmaceutical industry’s profits.
Now is it starting to make sense why the media doesn’t give this guy the time of day?

Let's take a look at General Electric. GE owns many mainstream media outlets including NBC, MSNBC, USA, CNBC, etc and they ALSO manufacture electronic devices such as explosion detection systems for the Military and Navy…perhaps a conflict of interest to cover a candidate whose belief is we have no business occupying foreign countries, let alone going to war with them??

I think one of the most obvious reasons he doesn’t get attention on TV is that he is against Big Pharma and for alternative medicine (vitamins, food, etc.) What kind of commercials do you see more than ever? That’s right, pharmaceutical commercials. Big Phrama pays a lot of money to keep these stations running!

All I hope is, that if you read this you are encouraged to explore the libertarian party a bit more and rely on mainstream media A LOT less. Ron Paul is a libertarian at heart running for Republican office and the mainstream media will do whatever the can to shut him out.

I am proud of my local media this week though. WCPO reported the results of the straw poll in Cincinnati which had Ron Paul in the lead both before and after last night’s debate on CNN. However, CNN is failing to report these results, of their own poll! Watch this video and check out this article for more info.

Great job WCPO!

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