be free

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

There is a lot to be said about Faith.

EDIT: In case you are wondering where this came's been an ongoing debate on the forums I work for. It's been a top topic of discussion since Dec. 20th and it's been interesting to see all the (37 pages) of conversation that has resulted. I've been following it casually in my free time and find it very interesting.

The debate asked the question "how do we know what a universe is like WITH a God if don't know what one is like WITHOUT a God?" Hence my title, there is a lot to be said about faith. (putting historical evidence aside).

I find this analogy and article fascinating. Click for the article, read for the analogy.

“Two people return to their long neglected garden and find, among the weeds, that a few of the old plants are surprisingly vigorous. One says to the other, ‘It must be that a gardener has been coming and doing something about these weeds.’ The other disagrees...They pitch their tents and set a watch. No gardener is ever seen. The believer wonders if there is an invisible gardener, so they patrol with bloodhounds but the bloodhounds never give a cry. Yet the believer...insists that the gardener is invisible, has no scent and gives no sound. The skeptic doesn’t agree, and asks how a so-called invisible, intangible, elusive gardener differs from an imaginary gardener, or even no gardener at all.”

On the contrary: I don't know who wrote this, but I like it...

The Little Skeptic

A woman is expecting twins, a little believer and a little skeptic.

The skeptic asks his brother ‘Do you believe in life after birth?’

‘Sure’, answers the little believer,’ our existence here is to prepare for our life after birth, to get strong for everything waiting for us afterwards.’

‘Nonsense’, replies the skeptic. ‘This is not true! What could life outside look like?’

‘I don’t know yet’, says the little believer. ‘Maybe we’ll walk on our feet and eat with our mouth. One thing is for sure, there’ll be more light outside.’

‘That’s impossible’, said the little skeptic. ‘Walking on our feet and eating with our mouth? That’s rubbish. What an idea! It couldn’t work. We have our umbilical cord which provides us food. There can’t be life after birth since our umbilical is already too short!’

‘There sure is but everything will be a bit different outside’, repeats the little believer.

‘There can’t possibly be life after birth’, retorts the little skeptic. ‘No one has ever returned after birth. It will be over after birth. Life is but dark torture.’

‘Even if I don’t know exactly what it looks like after birth’, insists the little believer, ‘I do know that we are going to meet our Mom and she’ll take great care of us.’

‘Mom? Do you believe in a mom? Where is she? asks the little skeptic astonished.

‘She is around us, we are inside her and live through her. Without her we won’t exist’, replies the little believer.

‘I have never seen a mom. There is no mom.’

The little believer takes a moment to reflect upon that. ‘Sometimes when we are very quiet we can hear her sing and can feel her caress our world,’ and then he adds in a quiet voice; ‘I think life really just starts after birth.’

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